It’s construction month at BSCESNews! Mike Sullivan takes us to the bridges of yester-year with a detailed summary of the construction and reconstruction of a Moseley Bridge, now located on Merrimack’s campus. For an update of some BSCES activities and news, read BSCES President Bruce Jacob’s President Report. Check out David Manugian’s profile of Professor Rich Vogel, Professor Emeritus and Research Professor in the Tufts University Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. I can personally attest to Professor Vogel’s influence – his course in water resources and hydrology at Tufts was my first exposure to the field that I now work in. His passion for teaching and expanding the field of stochastic hydrology is clear in Manugian’s profile.
Looking for socially-distanced activities now that spring is here and the temperature is finally starting to rise? Consider participating in our photo contest! Visit a nearby ASCE Landmark, snap a selfie (bonus points for pets!) and submit via email, LinkedIn, or Twitter (see links at bottom of post, and don’t forget to use the #VisitASCELandmarks and #BSCESLandmarkContest hashtags).
We’re nearing our last couple of issues BSCESNews before our summer break. Upcoming themes and deadlines are listed below – article submissions are always encouraged.

Figure 1. Upcoming BSCESNews Themes and Article Submission Deadlines
As always, we’d love to hear from you. Send us an email at, or engage with BSCES on our social media pages (LinkedIn: BSCES LinkedIn Group or Twitter: @BSCESNews or @BSCES).
Happy reading!